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Trusted Auto Service with Nationwide Warranty Coverage

Shop Tires
looking down on car in forest

Comprehensive Vehicle Maintenance and Tire Services in Gastonia, NC

For years, Mr. Nobody Tire Pros has been the trusted name in keeping vehicles on the road with our professional auto upkeep and tire sale services across Gastonia, NC. We offer comprehensive vehicle repair services for all car models, utilizing top-notch original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket parts. Our tire department provides economical choices from leading tire brands like Michelin®, BFGoodrich®, Uniroyal®, Continental, General, and others. Whether you prefer online shopping, phone orders, or walk-in shopping, we strive to ensure you receive what you need to focus on your journey.

jeep on rocky cliff

We’re Not Just About Tires

Indeed, as tire experts, we boast one of the largest tire selections in the Gastonia, NC area. However, we’re more than just a tire shop. Our skilled technicians are ready to cater to your other vehicle maintenance requirements, from oil replacements and inspections to engine repairs and suspension works. Services we offer include:

Get in Touch to Schedule Your Service Today

Whether you need new tires or a repair or want to check that your vehicle is well maintained, reach out to Mr. Nobody Tire Pros in Gastonia, NC. We provide top-quality professional repairs to get you back on the road as soon as possible. Contact us to book an appointment.

Why Pick Mr. Nobody Tire Pros?

Staying updated with vehicle maintenance and repair is critical to extending its lifespan. Trusting Mr. Nobody Tire Pros means choosing reliability and quality, guaranteeing your vehicle performs as expected. Our services are always upfront, our communication is clear and truthful, and our dedication to quality is unmatched. Here’s why customers choose us:

Local Ownership and Management
Stress-Free Services
Trustworthy Technicians
Nationwide Warranty Coverage
Servicing For All Vehicles
Flexible Payment Plans


Mr. Nobody Tire Pros

Long Avenue
501 E. Long Avenue
Gastonia, NC 28054


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Union Road
2691 Union Road
Gastonia, NC 28054


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM